Saturday, February 26, 2011

ERP Academic Base

We are proud to anounce the first oficial release of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing System ) Academic Base. The brand new ERP is created for the School Administration en special for all kind of Schools. This special Software include all nececary things for the Administration from Students to Business, include Coordination, Human Resources, Financials (include Tax Reports ) Archives, Bibliotecs, Billings and Buyings, Financial Statements and a lot other Resources for all kind of Administration parts.
MicroTec Software is one of the only ones specialised in School Administration around the world. Our ERP include also the standards of API for conecting your online School and one API for online conections can be used from Students and Teachers with her own Menu. Parents will have access for a fast look how are her Childrens in the School, Students can look what are the skins for the next Class, Evolutions, payments and a lot more. Academic Base is the cheapest and the most powerfull ERP in the market at the moment. We sell our ERP in the Basic include 5 Licences ) for 15, 000 Pesos Mexicanos, around 1, 500 USD include all.
For special kinds of Administration we have a lot of Modules that are not direct include in the whole package. MicroTec Software offers for the Clients also the re-design in parts of automatization, Control flow and SQL for all of our Clients.
We have 30 days trial Versions for all interesting Schools. This Trial Versions we will send as CD direct to the Office include instructions. In this period the interesting Schools can tell us what their will be changed specialised in our ERP.
Lists of include Modules, Prices and what we offer more include in our ERPs all interesting People can find the relevant informations in our website, include Fotogalery around the ERP and the most importand parts of the Administration.

Want to Save Time and Increase Productivity?

Juggling numerous clients and projects can be really hard! Recording work hours on a spreadsheet is time-consuming and inaccurate. Trying to gather team hours is usually a mess. Then there is the frustration of creating billing reports for clients. Fortunately, consultants, programmers, contractors, architects, lawyers, and other professionals are finding an easy solution to these problems: time tracking software.
Just hit the button!
No more constantly looking at the clock. Simply hit a button to start timing a task and then hit it again to stop if you finish or take a break. Some software will begin a new task every time you hit the start button, others will let you add more time to an open task after you've stopped timing. This particular ease of use increases accuracy in billing so �estimating� work time is a thing of the past. Period tracking is precise and always updated.
Easy Reporting
Time tracking software will help you be more efficient by storing your timed tasks in conjunction with a client and project. You may also add a description of the task. Forget trying to remember what happened to all your hours at the end of the day or week! These tasks are archived and then you can retrieve them when creating reports weekly, monthly, or during a customized time period.
Seamless Teamwork
When working on team projects, I would highly recommend using software that supports team time sharing online. Group members can log into an Internet workspace to track their hours even when away from the office. Reviews can then be created with everyone's billable and non-billable timed tasks. Absolutely no time is wasted gathering information... the data will always be updated and ready to go... just print it!

Don't be stuck in the dark ages of spreadsheets and manual entry. Modern technology is making mundane tasks quick and easy! For those that want to spend more time working for their clients and less time sifting through data and making reports, time tracking is the answer!

CSS Mistakes

Cascading Style sheet or CSS is one of the most used and convenient way of coding the mark up languages. Most of the websites are built on an HTML platform and hence it is important for us that the  http: //www. css-faq. com/ is also correctly applied so that the information that the website wants to transmit to its viewers is correct. But, designers often commit fundamental mistakes that can make things go terribly wrong for a website. The css-faq. com mentions some of the common mistakes occurred in CSS known as  http: //www. css-faq. com/

You don't waste bytes by adding units such as px, pt, em, etc, when the value is zero. The only reason to do so is when you want to change the value quickly later on, otherwise declaring the unit is meaningless. Zero pixels is the same as zero points. In order to get the accurate choice of the color, you must specify the hex code rather than writing the color in plain English. Never forget to add hash �#� at the start of the code so that it can be parsed correctly. Otherwise, you will have to remember to add another hash to prevent errors.

Unless you are likely to be changing your code much, avoid using several lines when only one line can serve your purpose. For example, when setting borders, some people set each side separately when each border is the same. So condensing the code is required here. It is okay to style the same element twice, if it means avoiding the repetition mentioned in the point above. For example, let's say you have an element where only the left border is different. Instead of writing out each border using four lines, just use two.

But sometimes designers like to waste a lot of space in their code, by using plenty of unnecessary line-breaks or spaces before and after code. It'll only make the stylesheet bigger, meaning it'll cost you more in the long run, as your bandwidth usage will be higher. Of course it's wise to leave some space in to keep it readable, though some people like to condense everything, leaving no space at all.

Designers must be careful about some common mistakes so that they can design the web pages in a proper manner and convey the message to its reader correctly.

Secure your sub domains with Wildcard SSL Certificates

The importance of sub-domains cannot be undermined. If you have a website with sub domains and you are not using a Wild card certificate you are exposed to a big security risk! You can secure your website and its sub domains for with the Latest SSL Certificates available with WildCard....

A Wildcard SSL Certificate helps enable SSL encryption on multiple sub-domains using a single certificate as long as the domains are controlled by the same organization and share the same second-level domain name. A sub domain is a separate website listed under a domain. Examples are clothes. shoppingmall. com or shoes. shoppingmall. com. Search engines register these as separate sites, even though the host name is the same. When there is a lot if information to be presented on one website or when the business representing the website has logically different categories/divisions � sub domains are the best way to organize the information on the website. Sub domains can work well if your site branches into different areas, for example topic. example. com or topic2. example. com in effect these sub domains are unique sites in their own right, but to the user, they appear to be an extension of one main site.

Wildcard Certificate is a unique product that gives the ability to secure multiple sub-domains within the company through a single certificate. A wild-carded certificate can be used to secure the certificate owner's website sub-domains (e. g. shop. yourcompany. com, pay. yourcompany. com etc ) with a single certificate. If there is a requirement of securing multiple sub-domains on a website, then a "Wild-carded" certificate is the ideal choice. A Wildcard SSL Certificate helps in achieving SSL encryption on multiple sub-domains with the help of a single certificate as long as the sub domains are on one same physical server, share the same second-level domain name and are under the control of a single organization. For example a Wildcard issued to a company XYZ using the domain www. xyz. com can be used to secure the following domains: login. xyz. com, support. xyz. com, and careers. xyz. com

Friday, February 25, 2011

Best website building video ever

Yes I�m sure about it. Aren�t you yet?
Well let me tell you about it, so you can find out for yourself.
In my search for online business I ran into a site which gave me the tools to create my own website. It provided a video guided program to build a website.
The program was part off an amazing and powerful package.
The package was a combination of who to get started with online business, how to find your niche, to create a product and how to sell that product.
I personally found the website creation video the best part for me.
I had never build a website before and I really wanted to learn how I could build one.
Well I was surprised how easy it can be done.
Off course the first website isn't the best but it's a start. after a few tries you'll will get that feeling that you can create a nice looking website.
The website creation video tells you step by step how to build a website. ----------> Your website.
It explains HTML codes but you don't really need to know HTML, because the software you'll be using is WYSIWYG.
(!!! What You See Is What You Get!!! )
Building a website starts with tables, background colors, and adding text.
Adding images and hyperlinks to another page or even a different website is also one of the chapters.
When you've made your website. it is still on your computer and not available for anyone else.
This program tells you how to upload your site to a web hosting company so that your website is visible to the world. Even changes made later can be reloaded.
The best part is the other basics chapter.
If provides setting up autoreplies, redirect pages, creating email addresses and how to make an Ebook.
This website creation video is a must have for starting your online business.
Did I already told you that it is available for everybody and Free!!!
Find out for yourself how this amazing video guided program helps you to create your (first ) website.
Are you interested?
Want to know more?
Would you like to start business at home?
Start right here
get your Free 12 hour video course and ebook.
at: http: //www. powerfullmarketingtools. com

Stopping 100% Of Spam In 7 Minutes Flat

Quit some time ago, I don�t remember where exactly, I read about a technique to stop receiving spam for good which worked very good for me and it will soon work for you as well.
Here is the quick run down
1. Stop using any email address that currently receives spam. Yeap it�s tuff and harsh, but will 100% sure kill all your current spam.
With any body that you want to stay in contact with, give them a unique email address of yours as described below in point 5.
The next step is to setup a system to protect you from future spam. Note that the following instructions all have to be followed in your servers cPanel area.
The cPanel web host I use and recommend is Kiosk. http: //www. wwkiosk. com/members/add2you/
2. a ) If you have more then one domain name, setup your catch all addresses for all except one of your domains to:
: fail: unknown. Contact me at http: //reply2frank. com/
b ) If you have just one domain name, add forwarders from all email addresses that used to receive spam to:
: fail: unknown. Contact me at http: //reply2frank. com/
3. With your remaining or only domain, create a secret POP3 email box, e. g. ur-catch-all-dom. com
5. Whenever you need to give somebody somewhere an email address, just make up an email address that identifies the person or company you give it to e. g.
Now, the final step how to maintain your spam free system
6. If you ever start to receive spam at any of your new email addresses, simply add a forwarder in your servers cPanel area server from that email address to:
: fail: unknown. Contact me at www. Add2it. com/contact
That�s it and you will never have to worry about spam again.: )
You will cut off 100% of spam you currently receive and make is very easy to cut off future spam.
Plus, by using this method you can always see who leaked out your email address. And if that happens you simply use step 6 from above to be spam free again in seconds

Getting Rid of Spyware and Viruses

Whether you run anti-virus and anti-spyware or not, your computer can still be infected. This particular is due to the ever evolving nature of the internet allowing new innovations for good and bad. Now that your computer is infected, what can you do?
There are several things you can do. One of them would be to format your had drive. This is the most time consuming and costly method. You will lose all your files and it will take you a very long time to re-install all your programs. This particular path should only be taken if there is no other course of action available, and if there is a deep infection.
If the infection is less severe there are several things you can do. You can clean up your hard drive with anti-virus and anti-spyware software. There are many free programs out there that will do the job.
Once you have these programs you need to run a scan to determine where the infection is. Once the infection is located there are one of two things you can do. You can either quarantine the infection, or you can delete it completely. Removing it would be the more effective option as it ensures you don�t accidently use the file again. An important part of running these programs is keeping them upto-date. They need to be updated regularly to be able to combat the new viruses and spyware that pop-up on a daily basis.

A boot-time scan is recommended as a good course of action to remove your infection. Should you continue to experience slower PC speeds, you could try using a virus scanner to not only scan your hard drive, but prevent your PC from getting more spyware.
Usually with spyware, once you have even a few files infected, they spread like a virus and attempt to propogate themselves. It's important you have a virus scanner to not only delete old spyware, but prevent new spyware from popping up. Avast is great for this.
Keeping your computer 100% free from viruses and spy-ware is difficult but following the procedures above you can continue to enjoy the use of your computer.

Adware is a Pain but you can Deal with Fast

Adware is one of those things that many people simply do not worry about until the ghastly stuff actually does some damage. Yes it can cause damage and sometimes this is too late to fix. The plain facts are that adware or spyware can number one effect your computers functionality and two this can lead to system failure and ultimately data loss.
Now without putting the fear of god into you the data loss scenario is certainly a possibility but in the most extreme of cases. How does this happen? well quite simply if you allow certain spywares to gain access to your pc then over time these and the addition of others can seriously slow down the functions of your pc.
Now if your pc is functioning slow due to adware this means that any product you might purchase to cleanse it will also run at a slower pace. If the spyware or adware remover cannot faction properly due to this lack of efficiency then it may be that a reboot of your computer is the only way to solve the problem. This alas will result in the loss of your personal files and installed software's.
If you have safeguarded your data and made backups then there is really nothing to be concerned about as once you re-load your operating system software the adware will not be lurking inside your pc. Then you can safely re-add your files and add your programs at your leisure. This means the only loss you will incur is a few days of your time undergoing re-installation procedures.
The moral is that buying some adware or spyware protection is really something for the wise amongst us. If you value your files and programs then a small amount of money spent on a security program is nothing when compared to the misery that malware can cause.
Firstly to check to see if you have an adware or spyware problem them simply take advantage of a free scan. If it shows you are indeed infected then remove the problem immediately.
Once this is done and you have some kind of computer guard then regularly scan and put your mind at ease.

Option Trading Software

The popularity of option trading software is attributed to the realization that there are so many different strategies that can maximize influence and define risk parameters. For some it can be lucrative and pleasurable, while others find it expensive and wearisome, depending on the extent of knowledge of the user. Choosing good option trading software can help people turn the odds in their favor.
In option trading, whether the trader is dealing with �call� or �put� options, it is necessary to use good option-trading software to mitigate your risks. One can incur losses by paying too much, even if he knows the direction in which the price of the asset will move. On the other hand, one can make money even through an underpriced option. However, only making proper decisions with the help of option trading software can do this.
Having knowledge about option trading gives one the vital advantage of being able to analyze different option positions. Some basic features offered by good option trading software include assessing whether your current position is risky or not. You can also check times when the option is under priced or overpriced, determine change in option price with the market situation, find out the market�s discernment of stability of option, determine the probability of making a profit and reaching your goal, assess stock options, establish your investment return and evaluate a range of option-trading strategies.
Today, there is an extensive variety of software available, at affordable prices starting from about $400. In a crux, the best option trading software will not only guide, but also help you keep track of your decisions regarding options trading.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Protecting Yourself From Spyware

If you practice diligence and follow some basic rules then you will have a much better chance of preventing the ability of a malware application from infecting your computer. Most computer spyware today is installed without your knowledge when you visit a website or download an application that will place the application on your hard drive. So one way to prevent the installation by not visiting unscrupulous web sites when you surf the web.
There has been a strong increase in the number of computer malware / spyware out on the net the past few years. Many experts in the field expect the number of infections to only increase as time goes along. Spyware are actually programs that are installed on your computer but you usually do not know of the installation and many times you did not even approve the installation.
 These programs can cause all types of problems for your computing experience, which range from annoying popups to someone actually stealing your personal data and impersonating your identity. You may also experience a reduction in performance of your system, since many times these programs will consume a lot of computing power as the program performs its tasks. Even though the number of computer spyware infections are increasing exponentially does not mean all is lost and you should just throw your hands up and turn off your computer forever.

Since most spyware is installed because of security holes in your browser always ensure you have the latest version of updates for your Operating System and Browser. You can also switch your Web Browser to something like FireFox which is targeted less than the more popular Browsers.
Also ensure you have a spyware protection and remover application installed. This is one of the most important items you can do to protect yourself from these infections and help to minimize the chance that you will be come infected with these types of applications.

Five Reasons To use MICR Check Printing Software

Did you know you could print your own checks for as little as 4 cents per check?
If you write a lot of checks, have multiple bank accounts, multiple businesses or use pre-numbered checks, I have good news for your. MICR printing software is very affordable and will save you both time and money.
Here are five reasons to seriously consider using MICR check printing software:

1. Pre-numbered checks are not cheap. You can save as much as 10 cents per check by printing your own checks.
2. If you use pre-numbered checks and make a mistake, you have to void the check number and print another check. It takes you more time and will cost you even more money... even if the printer goofed and you didn't!
3. The MICR check printing software can be used with your current accounting program. You'll recover your MICR software investment quickly.
4. Good MICR check printing software will print all required check information plus your signature in one-pass. No need to waste your time re-running or signing checks.
5. Most businesses already have the laser printer required to print MICR checks. By far the most popular printer for MICR checks printing is the HP LaserJet.
In addition to the laser printer, you'll need two more items:
First, you need an MICR Toner cartridge designed specifically for your laser printer.

To learn how to purchase MICR toner cartridges at huge savings, check out www. 1st-in-micr-toner. com.
Second, you'll need blank check safety paper to insure quality printing.
Of the five reasons mentioned above, the one-pass MICR printing software option is the most important. If the MICR software has to print more than one time, you run the risk of wasting time and paper. Remember, you want your MICR printing software to save you both time and money.
So, if you want to reduce your cost and time without sacrificing check quality, check out MICR check printing software today. The savings will add up quickly.

Free File Hosting Services on the internet

The question: "What kind of options do I need to look when choosing file hosting website? "

The answer: the one with the biggest, fastest and reliable servers, that will save your files the longer.
There are many file hosting services around the world that allows you to save your files for easy transfer between computers, in todays world it is almost impossible to transfer files without using disk-on-key or using a cdr/dvd-r.
But what should you do in case you want to transfer a file that is about 500 mb large (something that can't be done with email ) and don't want to open a ftp server on your computer?
This is the where you can use free file hosting services available on the internet such as Xdrive and more.
What this kind of websites gives you it's the option to upload files to the internet up to X amount of MB, after the upload the user will get a special unique URL that locates the file and enables anyone with whom the uploader shares it to download the file.
The features you need to pay attention when choosing file hosting are:
1. File Size limit - the maximum limit of the file you can upload.
2. Speed - Try to find one that locates close to your country and/or your friends country so the speed will be faster
3. Privacy - Make sure you get a unique URL that can't be guessed easily so people won't try to guess file names, also check if you can password protect the file.
4. Waiting times - some websites "enforce" waiting time between files or download by IP address or countries, like megaupload. try to find an upload service that don't enforce so much limits
5. Ease of use - Some websites hides the link on the website in purpose in order to make the surfer stay longer, pay attention to this
6. Support - Make sure there are support in case you have a problem.

Free Antivirus Software

In this world where money plays an important can you imagine getting something for free? Do not panic today you can find many outlets that give away stuffs for free. No, they are not doing any social work. But yes they are giving different freebies. These outlets provide you free stuffs with best possible bargains and absolutely free. To find out who they are just perform a short search online and you can find a list of such sites.
There are number sites that give away absolutely free goods, completely free of no cost, but sometime you may have to pay for a shipping charge which is nominal. Other most popular way to get real free freebies is to fill a short survey and send your feedback about the companies� newest product. Among the best giveaways are "the crazy frog free ring tones, cash for surveys, cinema tickets, quality beauty freebies, and car cash back offers. The list is endless. There are hundreds of places where you can get legitimate freebies. One of such free stuffs that you can find online is free antivirus software.
If your computer is getting frequent virus pop ups, it�s the time you start thinking about free anti virus software. With hundreds more viruses being created every month, all computers should have some form of virus protection. There are number of sites where you can find a round up of the Web's best freeware anti-virus checkers and cleaners, which stop all kinds of "dodgy" files from entering your PC. You'll no doubt be pleased to hear that the majority of programs listed here provide comparable protection to most commercial packages.
Getting good antivirus software is critical for the health of your computer, which is as good as getting a vaccine for your body when you are down with viral infection. Fortunately enough, this is a well-developed industry and there are many good anti-virus products on offer.

Submit your software automatically to web sites

The GSA Auto SoftSubmit is a program designed to submit software to hundreds of web sites.
The best software doesn't get soled if you don't promote it. A good and easy way is to submit your software to shareware archives. Unfortunately this could take a lot more time then actually developing your product. With the GSA Auto SoftSubmit program you can cut that time to a minimum. Software submission to promote shareware has never been easier with it.
It will save you a lot of time and money since its fully automated. Load a PAD file and let the program do the rest (pad submission ). You can even create and edit PAD files (no need to use an external editor like PADGen). That is software marketing at its best.
The program is getting updated several times a month to make sure all included providers (over 3300 archive sites, web directories and search engines to submit to ) still work.
There are a lot of web sites with shareware and freeware archives. Is your application listed on those? This program will take care of it and submits your software to all of them. Imagine your software is added to thousands of web sites.
But why is it so important to submit shareware and have it listed there? Not only that more customers will find and buy your product, but also your ranking in the search engines will dramatically rise since many of the shareware sites have a back link to your web site. More visitors result in rise sales of your product.