Re-Sizer Photoshop Action Pack was specially developed for: Enhancing photos and images from low to high quality;
Enlarging the size of photos up to 600% without loss of quality; Getting best results with stock photos...
What Re-Sizer Action Pack includes:
Re-Sizer Photoshop Action Pack includes 6 different types of actions. One for cleaning bad quality, lossy pictures: photoEnhance?, and 5 more actions for image resizing at different scales: Re-Sizer [200%-300%-400%-500%-600%].
How Re-Sizer Action Pack Works?
Working with bad quality, lossy photos:
For bad quality photos of any size:
We recommend photoEnhance? action that is the perfect solution to increase photo quality from low to high.
Working with low size photos:
For small size photos [400x300px; 425x282px]:
We recommend Re-Sizer 200-300% actions that can enhance the image quality from normal to high and allow you to enlarge the size [only recommended up to 300%]
Working with medium size photos:
For medium size photos [600x400px and 800x600px]:
We recommend Re-Sizer 200-500% actions that can enhance the image quality from normal to high and allow you to enlarge the size [only recommended up to 500%]
Working with large size photos:
For large size photos [more than 1024x768px]:
We recommend Re-Sizer 200-600% actions that can increase the size up to 600% without loss of quality.
Excellent solution for print works!
You save money on each stock photo you enlarge with Re-Sizer Photoshop Action Pack. With just one click you can get your invested money back!