Almost most of us wish Good Luck to each other whenever some need arises. All students appearing for the examinations get Good Luck wishes from well-wishers. Anybody appearing for an interview will get his/her share of good wishes. We wish those who are going for surgery. Good Luck wishes have become very common and they connect us with the cause of one who we are wishing. What we are saying is this - Please go ahead. I want you to get success and I am with you in this. My wishes are with you. I wish that you succeed.
Do wishes work? For example, if thousands of people wish that a person recovered from a serious disease, will that work? These wishes are like small prayers. Most of the religions believe that prayers are heard and answered. Recently, in a scientific study it was concluded that prayers might not be working. But how far is every scientific inquiry accurate? Don't scientists change their opinions?
Wishes and prayers give a great strength to everyone. It is a method of telling - You are not alone. We all are also with you. The almighty is with you and will surely hear our prayers and help. Imagine a student appearing for an examination. He/she has received many Good Luck eCards and is feeling happy that so many people wish that he/she succeeded. Will that not help? Good Luck ecards help in many ways and at various mental levels. Please use them as frequently as possible. Whether, it is a friend, a neighbor or a business associate, send one. You will be helping them and making friends for life. You will also feel very good after sending the ecards. Whenever we give something without expecting any return, we feel good. Use Good Luck ecards and bring a cheer on some faces.